Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Jacques in the City offers designer pet clothing!!! remark

Jacques in the City They are great shoes but beware! The sole has a metal species which makes them difficult to walk with normal or smooth floors, I've been scratching the floor with bits of metal lol so I took them to a cobbler to have them removed and they were great! hehehe

After searching many sites to see what 'skater' shoe was 'the best', many people thought Fallen was #1. Well I choose them and am glad I did. I could only get them from .com in the size and color I wanted. Perfect online transaction. Easy, fast, and very reasonably priced considering how great of a shoe they are.
Jacques in the City offers designer pet clothing!!! remark
Jacques in the City When they say pre-shrunk, they mean it. I fit it just as well as i did when I bought it. The color didn't represent the shirt very well though. I thought it was going to be a more faded out red based on the picture but it was just red. Still a great shirt, its just that the blood doesn't show very well with a red shirt. Suppose i should have gotten black. Still a great purchase. I was actually wearing it earlier. It fits me better than any other t shirt i own that shrinks upon first wash.

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